Wednesday, July 20, 2016

kat among the pigeons

 “Mom! What are you doing here!”
      “I was married to the man for seventeen years,” she said. “That’s longer than his current wife. I loved him too! I can be here.”
     Kate frowned at Merideth.
     “I didn’t tell her. She came on her own.”
     Bobby was already in the van, but he watched as his passengers paused. Cat was among the pigeons now, all right! Or Kat. He liked her. He had been expecting a Greenwich matron like the ones he had grown up with, but there was more to her. He wondered what she had been doing all these years besides being a divorcee and mother.
     “Oh, you might as well come along,” said Kate.
     “Everybody else and his brother is,” said Merideth. “All we’re missing is Wife No. 2.”
      “I doubt she’s coming,” said Bill. “She moved on to some Saudi prince or something.”
       “My!” said Merideth.
       “Come on,” said Kate again. “Bobby’s waiting.”
      The TV crew grabbed some B roll of them getting into the van.  Then they started walking towards Reverend Paul and the grave plot. He grabbed the urn and  headed for his car, parked at the playground across the street. As he turned the key, he heard the nail gun start up again. It was that time of year.

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